Monday, September 16, 2013 Coupon Selling Policy Change - The CIC Strikes Again

As many of you know that read and follow this blog of late, these are constantly changing times in the couponing world, especially when these changes come to dramatically alter the landscape for those who buy and sell coupons online. If you see my posts out there online, you will see me highly advising displaced eBay sellers to go to That was, at least until yesterday.

I signed into my account to have a ton of my coupon listings suspended. After some prodding, the admin and (yes they do reply) sent me an updated coupon selling policy for their website:

Clearly this isn't going to work for myself or those that sell peelies, tearpads and coupons obtained from the stores. I have since cancelled all of my listings on and more than likely won't be going back.

The CIC (Coupon Information Center) has put me out of business on, just like they have put eCrater coupon sellers out of business completely , handcuffed eBay sellers to the point of stupid, now they have spread their wings to shut down coupon selling on for any coupons that are actually worth your time to sell.

For what it is worth, you could still sell your inserts, bulk lots of normal coupons there if you have been thrown off of eBay or eCrater. And also, the admin there were very nice and responded quickly.

A Google search for coupon policy turned up nothing, so I felt it best to put the most current information out there so that people remain informed.

I did fire off a scathing message to the CIC last night and am awaiting their reply. A quick look at their website shows who they are and what they are about. They really don't hide anything at all. But that's for the next posting where we take them apart and explain what their jargon means in the real world. They aren't out to protect you - they are out to protect the billion dollar companies by shutting down your coupon sales and taking money out of your pockets and taking food out of your familys' mouth.

Until next time, Happy Couponing. Stay tuned. This is far from over.

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