Friday, April 18, 2014

Little Caesars Hot-N-Ready Pizza Price Jumps to $5.55 - Right before Good Friday

Ahh what would a holiday be without someone trying to make an extra buck. Especially around a holiday. 

Good Friday is the one day of the year where most people that celebrate the Christian faith do not eat meat. So , Little Caesars decided earlier this week to take advantage of that fact by raising the price of their "Hot-N-Ready" Pizza to $5.55 from $5.00 effective immediately claiming "higher cheese prices."

This 11.1% increase has been toyed with by Little Caesars in various markets on and off during the year, usually when sales slump at the $5.55 price (and they always do,) they remarket it back to $5.00. This has been going on for the better part of the last six or so years. But never quite as flagrantly as this one in regards to timing. Of course the disclaimer also says "prices will go back to normal once cheese prices stabilize" which in the real world translates to - "after the Easter and Lenten season."

Let's face it. This pizza is far from gourmet. If you are looking for cheap eats and really don't care about how your stomach feels in an hour by all means, eat it up. But if you are looking to not get ripped off by an opportunistic big box food chain like Little Caesar's then you might find a better pizza option elsewhere this weekend - and odds are they haven't been effected at all by "higher cheese prices." 

Strange, isn't it?

Update 5/18/2014:

On the local Sunday Paper - Guess what we saw?

Guess the "higher cheese price" landslide has been scaled back.

Nah, it was just the end of the lenten season.

Just like we called earlier.

These big box chains, retailers and manufacturers will stop at nothing to squeeze every last dollar out of you.

The only thing keeping them afloat - is the ignorance of the consumer.

Our job is to keep you aware and informed.