Kroger began their personal purge of double and triple coupons in the Texas area beginning in 2011 right as the "Extreme Couponing" took off and ever since has not only been closing stores, but eliminating doubles everywhere in the country. Latest victim: Michigan on May 14, 2014.
Despite the outrage on the Kroger Facebook page , they continue to state the following, almost robotic sentiment to the many, many customers that have voiced their displeasure with the recent changes, here is their robot response to yet another angry customer:
Yes, we believe you too Kroger, we believe you. 1%? That must be the "coordinated" response that Albertsons, Safeway and Kroger and the rest of the greedy retailer whore mongers have come up with to justify this swift retaliation to not only Extreme Couponers, but every single person that utilized that reward for being a customer of Kroger. If you also watch on their page, you will see that Kroger's lie is also very much the same as Albertsons' lie and whoever else is ending double coupons to pad the coffers of the six figure management of these companies.
This robo-sponse makes it seem like they are doing us all a favor by accepting coupons at all.
This flagrant disregard for their customers says all you need to know about where the tide is turning in the Supermarket and retail landscape as we have said in this blog time and again - the dark days for consumers looking to save money are upon us and faster than we would like to realize.
"Invest additional resources into lowering prices on everyday items." Yup, we believe that too Kroger. Just like the other areas of the country that had the prices actually increase once Kroger eliminated their double coupons.
Next stop on the Kroger Kill Wagon : Tennessee.
The last area on the country where Kroger will double your coupons.
For how long, remains to be seen.
Be smart and thrifty my friends - it's the only way we will be able to survive this true climate of retailer's revenge.